In a race to find the best CBSE schools in Mohali?

 A school plays a very significant role in the overall development of a child. During childhood, on average, a child spends five to six hours of a day in school which is more than enough to mold them into a personality that they will carry in the near future and for a lifetime. It is undeniably important to get your child admitted to a school that not only focuses on bookish knowledge but also helps the child believe in practical knowledge and work on their overall growth. There are numerous schools in Mohali that claim to be the best, but researching, comparing and choosing the real one for your child should be your salient priority rather than trusting any advertisement. If you have recently shifted to Mohali and are searching for the best CBSE schools in Mohali, this article will definitely clear your confusion and will help you in making an accurate decision.

There are numerous schools in Mohali CBSE, ICSE and even the state board but the best in all the three categories is Amity International School. Now you all must be wondering why to prioritize Amity over any other school? Let’s get your trouble and confusion sorted.

What Amity International School offers and why is it the best pre nursery school in Mohali?

  • Delivering quality education to the students is our utmost priority.

  • Apart from studies, inculcation of values and ethics in children at this early age is really important. 

  • Amity nurtures your child academically with extreme love, care and responsibility.

  • The faculty helps the children in identifying and furnishing their talent with time.

  • Most importantly developing communication skills.

Not just limited to pre-nursery, Amity is unmatched in all formats. The highly qualified faculty here builds an environment that positively affects the efficiency of the students in learning. Apart from education, Amity also provides various major platforms to the students to showcase their talent and skills which leads to confidence building. The management motivates the students to take part in extracurricular activities which helps them in building their personalities.

Amity is among the best CBSE schools in Mohali and is undoubtedly the future of schooling. With the changing time, Amity has upgraded the level of teaching by introducing Smart Classrooms, E-Library, Innovation and Incubation Centre, Language Lab, Audio and E-Books, Computer labs with the latest software and a lot more. 


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